#EXTM3U #EXTINF:46,Annie S. Ormsby - “Come!” ’Tis Jesus Gently Calling MP3/organ/EOG001.mp3 #EXTINF:44,John Newton - As the Serpent Raised by Moses MP3/organ/EOG002.mp3 #EXTINF:57,Joseph Hoskins - Behold, Behold the Lamb of God MP3/organ/EOG003.mp3 #EXTINF:48,Joseph Grigg - Behold the Saviour at the Door MP3/organ/EOG004.mp3 #EXTINF:57,Richard Jukes - By Faith I See the Saviour Dying MP3/organ/EOG005.mp3 #EXTINF:53,Nathaniel Norton - “Come Unto Me” MP3/organ/EOG006.mp3 #EXTINF:41,Edward Mote - My Hope on Nothing Less Is Built MP3/organ/EOG007.mp3 #EXTINF:24, - Come, Weary, Anxious, Laden Soul MP3/organ/EOG008.mp3 #EXTINF:35, - Redeemed by Blood MP3/organ/EOG009.mp3 #EXTINF:27,John C. Ryle - Faith Is a Very Simple Thing MP3/organ/EOG010.mp3 #EXTINF:35, - On Calvary’s Cross, Behold the One MP3/organ/EOG011.mp3 #EXTINF:54,Fanny J. Crosby - God Loved the World So Tenderly MP3/organ/EOG012.mp3 #EXTINF:42,Philip Doddridge - Grace! ’Tis a Charming Sound MP3/organ/EOG013.mp3 #EXTINF:53,Martha M. Stockton - God Loved the World of Sinners Lost MP3/organ/EOG014.mp3 #EXTINF:53, - Oh What a Gift the Father Gave MP3/organ/EOG015.mp3 #EXTINF:51,Hannah K. Burlingham - God in Mercy Sent His Son MP3/organ/EOG016.mp3 #EXTINF:46, - He Comes! He Comes! MP3/organ/EOG017.mp3 #EXTINF:44, - How Precious and Pure Is the Truth MP3/organ/EOG018.mp3 #EXTINF:46,James Proctor - It Is Finished MP3/organ/EOG019.mp3 #EXTINF:38,Emma Campbell - Jesus of Nazareth Passeth By MP3/organ/EOG020.mp3 #EXTINF:1, - Make Room for Him MP3/organ/EOG021.mp3 #EXTINF:28, - Jesus Is a Loving Saviour MP3/organ/EOG022.mp3 #EXTINF:6,Philip P. Bliss - My Redeemer MP3/organ/EOG023.mp3 #EXTINF:27, - Jesus Only Can Impart MP3/organ/EOG024.mp3 #EXTINF:51, - Oh, Have You Not Heard of That Wonderful Love? MP3/organ/EOG025.mp3 #EXTINF:35, - In Rags and in Ruin MP3/organ/EOG026.mp3 #EXTINF:57,Albert Midlane - Oh, What a Glorious Truth Is This! MP3/organ/EOG027.mp3 #EXTINF:43,Thomas Kelly - Oh, What a Saviour Is Jesus the Lord! MP3/organ/EOG028.mp3 #EXTINF:46,John H. Stockton - Only Trust Him MP3/organ/EOG029.mp3 #EXTINF:35,Albert Midlane - Passing Onward, Quickly Passing MP3/organ/EOG030.mp3 #EXTINF:24,Frances R. Havergal - Precious, Precious Blood of Jesus MP3/organ/EOG031.mp3 #EXTINF:29,Horatius Bonar - Yet There Is Room MP3/organ/EOG032.mp3 #EXTINF:39,Anne Ross Cousin - O Christ, What Burdens Bowed Thy Head! MP3/organ/EOG033.mp3 #EXTINF:46, - Salvation Through Christ Jesus MP3/organ/EOG034.mp3 #EXTINF:46, - Shall We Gather at His Coming? MP3/organ/EOG035.mp3 #EXTINF:46,Thomas Kelly - “Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted” MP3/organ/EOG036.mp3 #EXTINF:18,Kate Hankey - Tell Me the Old, Old Story MP3/organ/EOG037.mp3 #EXTINF:56,S. Wesley Martin - The Gospel Bells MP3/organ/EOG038.mp3 #EXTINF:29, - He Knew No Sin, That Holy One MP3/organ/EOG039.mp3 #EXTINF:46,Arthur T. Pierson - The Gospel of Thy Grace MP3/organ/EOG040.mp3 #EXTINF:35, - The Heavenly Bridegroom Soon Will Come MP3/organ/EOG041.mp3 #EXTINF:40,William Hunter - The Great Physician MP3/organ/EOG042.mp3 #EXTINF:40, - “Behold the Lamb” Enthroned on High MP3/organ/EOG043.mp3 #EXTINF:44,Charlotte Elliot - Just as I Am — Without One Plea MP3/organ/EOG044.mp3 #EXTINF:37, - The Wanderer No More Will Roam MP3/organ/EOG045.mp3 #EXTINF:27, - “Too Late, Too Late!” How Sad the Sound MP3/organ/EOG046.mp3 #EXTINF:35,A. P. Cecil - Rise, Dear Soul! Behold The Saviour MP3/organ/EOG047.mp3 #EXTINF:46,Amelia M. Hull - There Is Life in a Look MP3/organ/EOG048.mp3 #EXTINF:51,James McGranahan - Verily, Verily MP3/organ/EOG049.mp3 #EXTINF:29,Mary Bowley - Vain Is the Thought of Man MP3/organ/EOG050.mp3 #EXTINF:41,John R. Bryant - Eternity! Where? It Floats in the Air MP3/organ/EOG051.mp3 #EXTINF:31, - Hark! Hark! Hear the Glad Tidings MP3/organ/EOG052.mp3 #EXTINF:42,Robert Lowry - Weeping Will Not Save Me! MP3/organ/EOG053.mp3 #EXTINF:51,Margaret C. H. Wilson - We Know There’s a Bright and a Glorious Home MP3/organ/EOG054.mp3 #EXTINF:50, - Why ’Neath the Load of Your Sins Do Ye Toil? MP3/organ/EOG055.mp3 #EXTINF:35, - Oh, Blessed Gospel Sound! MP3/organ/EOG056.mp3 #EXTINF:40,Philip P. Bliss - Almost Persuaded MP3/organ/EOG057.mp3 #EXTINF:31, - Why Unbelieving MP3/organ/EOG058.mp3 #EXTINF:40,I. Fleming - Why Wilt Thou Linger MP3/organ/EOG059.mp3 #EXTINF:44,Charles Wesley - All Ye That Pass By MP3/organ/EOG060.mp3 #EXTINF:27,Thomas Haweis - Behold the Lamb! ’Tis He Who Bore MP3/organ/EOG061.mp3 #EXTINF:27, - Behold the Lamb Whose Precious Blood MP3/organ/EOG062.mp3 #EXTINF:41,A. P. Cecil - Broken Heart! The Fountain’s Open MP3/organ/EOG063.mp3 #EXTINF:40,Anna Shipton - “Call Them In” — The Poor, the Wretched MP3/organ/EOG064.mp3 #EXTINF:51,H. D’Arcy Champney - Christ Is the Only Saviour MP3/organ/EOG065.mp3 #EXTINF:27, - A Look to Jesus Saves the Soul MP3/organ/EOG066.mp3 #EXTINF:39,Mrs. A. H. Rule - Christ Is Coming. Are You Ready? MP3/organ/EOG067.mp3 #EXTINF:44,Heyman Wreford - Christ Is the Saviour of Sinners MP3/organ/EOG068.mp3 #EXTINF:44,El Nathan - Come Sing, My Soul, and Praise the Lord MP3/organ/EOG069.mp3 #EXTINF:29,Mrs. A. H. Rule - Christ Is Coming, Oh Be Ready MP3/organ/EOG070.mp3 #EXTINF:46,Howard Kingsbury - Come, Let Us All Unite to Sing MP3/organ/EOG071.mp3 #EXTINF:28, - Come to the Saviour, Come to the Saviour MP3/organ/EOG072.mp3 #EXTINF:45,John M. Wigner - Come to the Saviour Now MP3/organ/EOG073.mp3 #EXTINF:45, - Come to the Blood-Stained Tree MP3/organ/EOG074.mp3 #EXTINF:39,Frances R. Havergal - I Gave My Life for Thee MP3/organ/EOG075.mp3 #EXTINF:38,H. D’Arcy Champney - “Come Unto Me, and I Will Give You Rest” MP3/organ/EOG076.mp3 #EXTINF:45,Joseph Hart - Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy MP3/organ/EOG077.mp3 #EXTINF:36, - Come, Ye That Fear the Lord MP3/organ/EOG078.mp3 #EXTINF:44,T. R. Dale - Decide for Christ Today MP3/organ/EOG079.mp3 #EXTINF:46,Arthur Cutting - Down from the Glory Came God’s Blessed Son MP3/organ/EOG080.mp3 #EXTINF:37,Thomas Kelly - “It Is Finished!” Sinners, Hear It MP3/organ/EOG081.mp3 #EXTINF:51,William Cowper - Ere God Had Built the Mountains MP3/organ/EOG082.mp3 #EXTINF:1,Hannah K. Burlingham - Everlasting Glory MP3/organ/EOG083.mp3 #EXTINF:57,Philip P. Bliss - Free from the Law MP3/organ/EOG084.mp3 #EXTINF:33,Russell S. Cook - Just as Thou Art — Without One Trace MP3/organ/EOG085.mp3 #EXTINF:35,James Montgomery - Hark! The Saviour’s Voice from Heaven MP3/organ/EOG086.mp3 #EXTINF:44,H. D’Arcy Champney - Hark! Hark! The Voice of Christ MP3/organ/EOG087.mp3 #EXTINF:38,Jehoiada Brewer - Hail, Sovereign Love MP3/organ/EOG088.mp3 #EXTINF:50, - Hark Ye! Those Who Choose the Pleasures MP3/organ/EOG089.mp3 #EXTINF:51,Elisha A. Hoffman - Have You Been to Jesus for the Cleansing Power? MP3/organ/EOG090.mp3 #EXTINF:27,Samuel Medley - On Christ Salvation Rests Secure MP3/organ/EOG091.mp3 #EXTINF:50,El Nathan (arr.) - Have You Any Room for Jesus? MP3/organ/EOG092.mp3 #EXTINF:39,W. Cameron - Ho! Ye That Thirst, Approach the Spring MP3/organ/EOG093.mp3 #EXTINF:45, - Ho, You Thirsty, Jesus Calls You MP3/organ/EOG094.mp3 #EXTINF:46,Charlotte Gipps - I Have a Glorious Saviour MP3/organ/EOG095.mp3 #EXTINF:44,Anna lander - If I Gained the World MP3/organ/EOG096.mp3 #EXTINF:27, - Oh, How Sweet the Gospel Message MP3/organ/EOG097.mp3 #EXTINF:52,George Cooper - Just on the Threshold MP3/organ/EOG098.mp3 #EXTINF:27,Isaac Watts (Psalm 103) - My Soul, Repeat His Praise MP3/organ/EOG099.mp3 #EXTINF:43, - Let All Who Know the Joyful Sound MP3/organ/EOG100.mp3 #EXTINF:44, - Look, Thou Lost One, to the Saviour MP3/organ/EOG101.mp3 #EXTINF:52, - Life at Best Is Very Brief MP3/organ/EOG102.mp3 #EXTINF:27,Philip P. Bliss - Man of Sorrows! What a Name MP3/organ/EOG103.mp3 #EXTINF:47,Albert Midlane - Not All the Gold of All the World MP3/organ/EOG104.mp3 #EXTINF:39, - Nothing But the Name of Jesus MP3/organ/EOG105.mp3 #EXTINF:52,Frances Bevan - O Christ, in Thee My Soul Hath Found MP3/organ/EOG106.mp3 #EXTINF:40,Eliza Reed - Oh, Do Not Let the Word Depart MP3/organ/EOG107.mp3 #EXTINF:53, - Oh Precious Blood MP3/organ/EOG108.mp3 #EXTINF:39,R. D. Edwards - Oh, the Love of God Is Boundless MP3/organ/EOG109.mp3 #EXTINF:1,Josiah Hopkins - Oh, Turn Now! Oh, Turn Now! MP3/organ/EOG110.mp3 #EXTINF:52,El Nathan - Once Again the Gospel Message MP3/organ/EOG111.mp3 #EXTINF:53,James M. Gray - Only a Sinner MP3/organ/EOG112.mp3 #EXTINF:49,Fanny J. Crosby - Only a Step to Jesus MP3/organ/EOG113.mp3 #EXTINF:15,H. D’Arcy Champney - Saved Through the Blood of Jesus MP3/organ/EOG114.mp3 #EXTINF:31,Albert Midlane - “Himself He Could Not Save” MP3/organ/EOG115.mp3 #EXTINF:37,Robert Sandeman - See Mercy, Mercy from on High MP3/organ/EOG116.mp3 #EXTINF:39, - Sinner, Thine’s a Lost Condition MP3/organ/EOG117.mp3 #EXTINF:55,Will L. Thompson - Softly and Tenderly MP3/organ/EOG118.mp3 #EXTINF:53,Johnson Oatman - The Blood Upon the Door MP3/organ/EOG119.mp3 #EXTINF:51,Hannah K. Burlingham - The Father Sent the Son MP3/organ/EOG120.mp3 #EXTINF:27,Albert Midlane - “All Things Are Ready,” Come MP3/organ/EOG121.mp3 #EXTINF:45,George W. Frazer - The Holy Lamb Has Died MP3/organ/EOG122.mp3 #EXTINF:40,George W. Frazer - The Lamb Was Slain, His Precious Blood MP3/organ/EOG123.mp3 #EXTINF:55,E. B. Hartt - There Is a Saviour on High in the Glory MP3/organ/EOG124.mp3 #EXTINF:24, - Who Shall Give Me Rest? MP3/organ/EOG125.mp3 #EXTINF:51, - There’s a Voice That Is Calling MP3/organ/EOG126.mp3 #EXTINF:51, - Let Us Sing of His Love Once Again MP3/organ/EOG127.mp3 #EXTINF:39,Thomas Kelly - Though All the Beasts That Live and Feed MP3/organ/EOG128.mp3 #EXTINF:51,Maud Fraser - ’Tis a True and Faithful Saying MP3/organ/EOG129.mp3 #EXTINF:1,Fanny J. Crosby - To God Be the Glory MP3/organ/EOG130.mp3 #EXTINF:39,Thomas Kelly - We Sing the Praise of Him Who Died MP3/organ/EOG131.mp3 #EXTINF:39,Priscilla J. Owens - We Have Heard the Joyful Sound MP3/organ/EOG132.mp3 #EXTINF:39,Arthur T. Pierson - With Joy and with Gladness There Stand a Great Throng MP3/organ/EOG133.mp3 #EXTINF:59,Nathaniel Norton - What Will You Do with Jesus? MP3/organ/EOG134.mp3 #EXTINF:27, - There Is No Other Name than Thine MP3/organ/EOG135.mp3 #EXTINF:55,Samuel F. Smith - When the Harvest Is Past MP3/organ/EOG136.mp3 #EXTINF:26, - He Left the Brightness of His Home MP3/organ/EOG137.mp3 #EXTINF:52,Philip P. Bliss - “Whosoever Will” MP3/organ/EOG138.mp3 #EXTINF:42,Robert Lowry - What Can Wash Away My Sins? MP3/organ/EOG139.mp3 #EXTINF:52,Priscilla J. Owens - Will Your Anchor Hold? MP3/organ/EOG140.mp3 #EXTINF:27,Albert Midlane - How Vast, How Full, How Free MP3/organ/EOG141.mp3 #EXTINF:46,William T. Sleeper - Ye Must Be Born Again MP3/organ/EOG142.mp3 #EXTINF:28,Francis Rous (Scottish Psalter, 1650) - The Lord’s My Shepherd MP3/organ/EOG143.mp3 #EXTINF:51,James G. Deck - “A Little While” — The Lord Shall Come MP3/organ/EOG144.mp3 #EXTINF:51,John Newton - May the Grace of Christ Our Saviour MP3/organ/EOG145.mp3 #EXTINF:51,Mrs. J. A. Trench - All the Path the Saints Are Treading MP3/organ/EOG146.mp3 #EXTINF:27,Anne Steele - And Did the Holy and the Just MP3/organ/EOG147.mp3 #EXTINF:31,Mary Bowley - Lord, While Our Souls in Faith Repose MP3/organ/EOG148.mp3 #EXTINF:57,Fanny J. Crosby - Blessed Assurance, Jesus Is Mine MP3/organ/EOG149.mp3 #EXTINF:27,Isaac Watts - Break Forth and Sing the Song MP3/organ/EOG150.mp3 #EXTINF:27,Robert C. Chapman - “No Condemnation!” — Precious Word MP3/organ/EOG151.mp3 #EXTINF:33,Robert Robinson - Brightness of the Eternal Glory MP3/organ/EOG152.mp3 #EXTINF:39,Charles Wesley - Jesus! Life-Giving Sound MP3/organ/EOG153.mp3 #EXTINF:44,Thomas Kelly - The Atoning Work Is Done MP3/organ/EOG154.mp3 #EXTINF:51,Mary Bowley - By Thee, O God, Invited MP3/organ/EOG155.mp3 #EXTINF:50,Henry F. Lyte - Child of God, by Christ’s Salvation MP3/organ/EOG156.mp3 #EXTINF:45, - Christ the Lord Is Coming MP3/organ/EOG157.mp3 #EXTINF:43,Samuel Medley - Come, Let Us Sing the Matchless Worth MP3/organ/EOG158.mp3 #EXTINF:52,Jeremiah E. Rankin - God Be with You MP3/organ/EOG159.mp3 #EXTINF:27,Augustus M. Toplady - Though in a Foreign Land MP3/organ/EOG160.mp3 #EXTINF:27,William Cowper - God Moves in a Mysterious Way MP3/organ/EOG161.mp3 #EXTINF:28,James G. Deck - O Lord! ’Tis Joy to Look Above MP3/organ/EOG162.mp3 #EXTINF:39,William Williams, tr. by Peter Williams - Guide Us, O Thou Gracious Saviour MP3/organ/EOG163.mp3 #EXTINF:44,George W. Frazer - Have I an Object, Lord, Below MP3/organ/EOG164.mp3 #EXTINF:31,Mary Bowley - Jesus! How Much Thy Name Unfolds MP3/organ/EOG165.mp3 #EXTINF:42,James G. Deck - In Hope We Lift Our Wishful, Longing Eyes MP3/organ/EOG166.mp3 #EXTINF:46,El Nathan - I Know Not Why God’s Wondrous Grace MP3/organ/EOG167.mp3 #EXTINF:58,W. Spencer Walton - In Tenderness He Sought Me MP3/organ/EOG168.mp3 #EXTINF:32,John Fawcett - Blest Be the Tie That Binds MP3/organ/EOG169.mp3 #EXTINF:27,Samuel Stennett - Jesus! Oh Name Divinely Sweet! MP3/organ/EOG170.mp3 #EXTINF:31,Frances Bevan (from German) - On the Lamb Our Souls Are Resting MP3/organ/EOG171.mp3 #EXTINF:39,Elizabeth Darkey - Lamb of God, We Bow Before Thee MP3/organ/EOG172.mp3 #EXTINF:1,Henry F. Lyte - Long Did I Toil, and Knew No Earthly Rest MP3/organ/EOG173.mp3 #EXTINF:35,Thomas Kelly - Glory to God on High! MP3/organ/EOG174.mp3 #EXTINF:47,Robert Lowry - Low in the Grave He Lay MP3/organ/EOG175.mp3 #EXTINF:27,George V. Wigram - Oh, What a Debt We Owe MP3/organ/EOG176.mp3 #EXTINF:51,James M. Gray - Nor Silver Nor Gold MP3/organ/EOG177.mp3 #EXTINF:27,Archibald Rutherford - Glory Unto Jesus Be! MP3/organ/EOG178.mp3 #EXTINF:32,Samuel O’Malley Cluff - Nothing But Christ, as on We Tread MP3/organ/EOG179.mp3 #EXTINF:24,Mary Bowley - Whom Have We, Lord, But Thee? MP3/organ/EOG180.mp3 #EXTINF:51,Bernard of Clairvaux, tr. by John Gambold - O Head Once Full of Bruises MP3/organ/EOG181.mp3 #EXTINF:51,Samuel C. G. Kster, tr. by Hannah K. Burlingham - O Jesus! Friend Unfailing! MP3/organ/EOG182.mp3 #EXTINF:46,James G. Deck - O Lamb of God, Still Keep Us MP3/organ/EOG183.mp3 #EXTINF:40,From the Slovak of Mria Royov - Oh, Remember MP3/organ/EOG184.mp3 #EXTINF:6,Hannah K. Burlingham - On His Father’s Throne Is Seated MP3/organ/EOG185.mp3 #EXTINF:1,J. Wilbur Chapman - One Day! MP3/organ/EOG186.mp3 #EXTINF:27, - Scarlet, Scarlet! MP3/organ/EOG187.mp3 #EXTINF:51,Daniel W. Whittle - Our Lord Is Now Rejected MP3/organ/EOG188.mp3 #EXTINF:46,Horatius Bonar - Our Sins Were Borne by Jesus MP3/organ/EOG189.mp3 #EXTINF:44,William Williams - Saviour! Lead Us by Thy Power MP3/organ/EOG190.mp3 #EXTINF:52,Thomas Kelly - Saviour, Through the Desert Lead Us MP3/organ/EOG191.mp3 #EXTINF:47,Edgar Page Stites - Simply Trusting Every Day MP3/organ/EOG192.mp3 #EXTINF:52,Peter P. Bilhorn - Sweet Peace, the Gift of God’s Love MP3/organ/EOG193.mp3 #EXTINF:51,Lydia Baxter - Take the Name of Jesus with You MP3/organ/EOG194.mp3 #EXTINF:46,James Montgomery - The Lord Himself Shall Come MP3/organ/EOG195.mp3 #EXTINF:46,George W. Frazer - The Lord of Life Is Risen MP3/organ/EOG196.mp3 #EXTINF:51, - The Saviour Is Coming MP3/organ/EOG197.mp3 #EXTINF:27,Frederick Whitfield - There Is a Name We Love to Hear MP3/organ/EOG198.mp3 #EXTINF:35,Isaac Watts - When We Survey the Wondrous Cross MP3/organ/EOG199.mp3 #EXTINF:51,Mrs. A. H. Rule - ’Tis the Hope of His Coming MP3/organ/EOG200.mp3 #EXTINF:47,John H. Sammis - Trust and Obey MP3/organ/EOG201.mp3 #EXTINF:51,Mrs. J. A. Trench - How Blest a Home! MP3/organ/EOG202.mp3 #EXTINF:51, - Shine Forth, O Lord MP3/organ/EOG203.mp3 #EXTINF:35,Robert L. Allan - A Little Talk with Jesus MP3/organ/EOG204.mp3 #EXTINF:25,Margaret Mackay - Asleep in Jesus, Blessed Sleep! MP3/organ/EOG205.mp3 #EXTINF:28,Samuel Prideaux Tregelles - ’Tis Sweet to Think of Those at Rest MP3/organ/EOG206.mp3 #EXTINF:58,Adelaide A. Procter - “But for a Moment” MP3/organ/EOG207.mp3 #EXTINF:39,Thomas Kelly - We’ll Sing of the Shepherd That Died MP3/organ/EOG208.mp3 #EXTINF:57, - Bright in the Glory MP3/organ/EOG209.mp3 #EXTINF:52,William McKendree Darwood - Calvary MP3/organ/EOG210.mp3 #EXTINF:51,Words Arranged - Christian, Walk Carefully MP3/organ/EOG211.mp3 #EXTINF:45,H. L. Turner - Christ Returneth MP3/organ/EOG212.mp3 #EXTINF:39,Fanny J. Crosby - Close to Thee MP3/organ/EOG213.mp3 #EXTINF:44,James Montgomery - “Forever with the Lord!” MP3/organ/EOG214.mp3 #EXTINF:36,Thomas Kelly - Happy They Who Trust in Jesus MP3/organ/EOG215.mp3 #EXTINF:27,Joseph Hart - How Good Is the God We Adore MP3/organ/EOG216.mp3 #EXTINF:28,J. N. Darby - Oh Bright and Blessed Scenes MP3/organ/EOG217.mp3 #EXTINF:55, - He Is Coming MP3/organ/EOG218.mp3 #EXTINF:28,Samuel Whitelock Gandy - His Be the Victor’s Name MP3/organ/EOG219.mp3 #EXTINF:45,Albert Midlane - I Am Not Told to Labor MP3/organ/EOG220.mp3 #EXTINF:51,Fanny J. Crosby - I Am Thine, O Lord MP3/organ/EOG221.mp3 #EXTINF:40,Horatius Bonar - I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say MP3/organ/EOG222.mp3 #EXTINF:40, - I See the Crowd in Pilate’s Hall MP3/organ/EOG223.mp3 #EXTINF:39, - He Is Coming! — Who Is Coming? MP3/organ/EOG224.mp3 #EXTINF:48,Ellen H. Willis - I Left It All with Jesus MP3/organ/EOG225.mp3 #EXTINF:51,Robert Murray McCheyne - I Once Was a Stranger MP3/organ/EOG226.mp3 #EXTINF:39,Horatius Bonar - I Was a Wandering Sheep MP3/organ/EOG227.mp3 #EXTINF:51,Anna L. Waring - In Heavenly Love Abiding MP3/organ/EOG228.mp3 #EXTINF:33,Mary Shekleton - It Passeth Knowledge MP3/organ/EOG229.mp3 #EXTINF:41,James G. Small - I’ve Found a Friend MP3/organ/EOG230.mp3 #EXTINF:35,James G. Deck - Jesus, That Name Is Love MP3/organ/EOG231.mp3 #EXTINF:27,Joseph Swain - Christ the Lord Will Come Again MP3/organ/EOG232.mp3 #EXTINF:35,Henry J. M. Hope - Now I Have Found a Friend MP3/organ/EOG233.mp3 #EXTINF:51,Frank M. Davis - Lead Me, Saviour MP3/organ/EOG234.mp3 #EXTINF:41,E. L. B. - Lift Up Your Heads, Eternal Gates MP3/organ/EOG235.mp3 #EXTINF:30,Charles Wesley - Lo, He Comes, from Heaven Descending MP3/organ/EOG236.mp3 #EXTINF:40,J. J. Hopkins - Lord, Thy Love Has Sought and Found Us MP3/organ/EOG237.mp3 #EXTINF:46,Mrs. A. H. Rule - Love Not the World MP3/organ/EOG238.mp3 #EXTINF:46,Frances Bevan - Midst the Darkness, Storm and Sorrow MP3/organ/EOG239.mp3 #EXTINF:50, - Mighty, Mighty Love of Jesus MP3/organ/EOG240.mp3 #EXTINF:46,Jane E. Hall - More than Tongue Can Tell MP3/organ/EOG241.mp3 #EXTINF:32,J. Denham Smith - My God, I Have Found MP3/organ/EOG242.mp3 #EXTINF:53,Richard Jukes - My Heart Is Fixed, Eternal God MP3/organ/EOG243.mp3 #EXTINF:40,Adelaide A. Procter - One Priest Alone Can Pardon Me MP3/organ/EOG244.mp3 #EXTINF:46,A. H. Rule - O Blessed, Precious Saviour MP3/organ/EOG245.mp3 #EXTINF:45,Charitie Lees Smith Bancroft - Oh, for the Robe of Whiteness MP3/organ/EOG246.mp3 #EXTINF:44,G. Cutting and A. Mace - O Gracious Saviour MP3/organ/EOG247.mp3 #EXTINF:48,Philip Doddridge - Oh Happy Day That Fixed My Choice MP3/organ/EOG248.mp3 #EXTINF:45,John Newton, adapted by Marianne Nunn - Oh, How He Loves! MP3/organ/EOG249.mp3 #EXTINF:33,John Ryland - O Lord! We Would Delight in Thee MP3/organ/EOG250.mp3 #EXTINF:39,William E. Littlewood - O Lord, How Does Thy Mercy Throw MP3/organ/EOG251.mp3 #EXTINF:32,Horatius Bonar, Catesby Paget - A Mind at “Perfect Peace” with God MP3/organ/EOG252.mp3 #EXTINF:28, - Oh! Why Did Jesus Leave His Home? MP3/organ/EOG253.mp3 #EXTINF:32,Isaac Watts - Not All the Blood of Beasts MP3/organ/EOG254.mp3 #EXTINF:32, - Not to Ourselves We Owe MP3/organ/EOG255.mp3 #EXTINF:44,A. H. Rule - Some Day MP3/organ/EOG256.mp3 #EXTINF:32,William F. Lloyd - Our Times Are in Thy Hand MP3/organ/EOG257.mp3 #EXTINF:39,Mary Bowley - Many Sons to Glory Bringing MP3/organ/EOG258.mp3 #EXTINF:34,Augustus M. Toplady - Rock of Ages! MP3/organ/EOG259.mp3 #EXTINF:43, - Precious Word of Deepest Meaning MP3/organ/EOG260.mp3 #EXTINF:27,James G. Deck - Lord Jesus, Are We One with Thee? MP3/organ/EOG261.mp3 #EXTINF:35,Miss C. A. Wellesley - Satisfied with Thee MP3/organ/EOG262.mp3 #EXTINF:39,Hannah K. Burlingham - The Glory Shines Before Me! MP3/organ/EOG263.mp3 #EXTINF:35,Albert Midlane - The Perfect Righteousness of God MP3/organ/EOG264.mp3 #EXTINF:39,W. Yerbury - We Joy in Our God MP3/organ/EOG265.mp3 #EXTINF:24,J. N. Darby - We’ll Praise Thee, Glorious Lord MP3/organ/EOG266.mp3 #EXTINF:48,John Lyth - There Is a Better World Above MP3/organ/EOG267.mp3 #EXTINF:51,William Cowper - There Is a Stream of Precious Blood MP3/organ/EOG268.mp3 #EXTINF:44,J. N. Darby - This World Is a Wilderness Wide! MP3/organ/EOG269.mp3 #EXTINF:38,J. N. Darby - And Is It So — I Shall Be Like Thy Son? MP3/organ/EOG270.mp3 #EXTINF:51,Anne Ross Cousin - The Sands of Time Are Sinking MP3/organ/EOG271.mp3 #EXTINF:39,Hannah K. Burlingham - Thou Art Coming, Loving Saviour MP3/organ/EOG272.mp3 #EXTINF:52,A. H. Rule - Up Yonder, in a Heavenly Mansion MP3/organ/EOG273.mp3 #EXTINF:51,Charles Wesley - Love Divine, All Praise Excelling MP3/organ/EOG274.mp3 #EXTINF:46,Mary Bowley - We Are by Christ Redeemed MP3/organ/EOG275.mp3 #EXTINF:27,Elizabeth K. Mills - We Sing of the Realms of the Blest MP3/organ/EOG276.mp3 #EXTINF:27, - We Speak of the Mercy of God MP3/organ/EOG277.mp3 #EXTINF:24,Horatius Bonar - We Hear the Words of Love MP3/organ/EOG278.mp3 #EXTINF:38,Hannah K. Burlingham - I’m Waiting for Thee, Lord MP3/organ/EOG279.mp3 #EXTINF:28, - What, Sinner, Can You Do? MP3/organ/EOG280.mp3 #EXTINF:47,Philipp Friedrich Hiller, tr. by Hannah K. Burlingham - We Wait for Thee, O Son of God MP3/organ/EOG281.mp3 #EXTINF:50,Joseph M. Scriven - What a Friend We Have in Jesus MP3/organ/EOG282.mp3 #EXTINF:25,John Kent - What Cheering Words Are These! MP3/organ/EOG283.mp3 #EXTINF:31,Mrs. A. H. Rule - Jesus, My Lord MP3/organ/EOG284.mp3 #EXTINF:32,George V. Wigram - Well May We Sing, with Triumph Sing MP3/organ/EOG285.mp3 #EXTINF:28,John Newton - When Israel, by Divine Command MP3/organ/EOG286.mp3 #EXTINF:27,A. P. Cecil - Oh! The Peace Forever Flowing MP3/organ/EOG287.mp3 #EXTINF:27,J. Denham Smith - Rise, My Soul! Behold, ’Tis Jesus MP3/organ/EOG288.mp3 #EXTINF:30,Benjamin R. Hanby - Who Is He? MP3/organ/EOG289.mp3 #EXTINF:21,Thomas Kelly - Praise the Saviour MP3/organ/EOG290.mp3 #EXTINF:44,Thomas Kelly - Glory, Glory Everlasting MP3/organ/EOG291.mp3 #EXTINF:46,Joseph Swain - What Will It Be to Dwell Above? MP3/organ/EOG292.mp3 #EXTINF:44,Dorothy A. Thrupp - A Little Ship Was on the Sea MP3/organ/EOG293.mp3 #EXTINF:27,Anna H. Shepherd - Around the Throne of God in Heaven MP3/organ/EOG294.mp3 #EXTINF:32,Albert Midlane - Hark! The Voice of Jesus Calling MP3/organ/EOG295.mp3 #EXTINF:27, - Awake! Awake! In Happy Song MP3/organ/EOG296.mp3 #EXTINF:47, - Christ Could Not Be Hid MP3/organ/EOG297.mp3 #EXTINF:39,T. W. Stewart - Jesus Is Calling the Children MP3/organ/EOG298.mp3 #EXTINF:52, - Come, Children, and Learn of the Infinite Grace MP3/organ/EOG299.mp3 #EXTINF:28, - If Little Children Knew the Love MP3/organ/EOG300.mp3 #EXTINF:33,Anne Houlditch Shepherd - Here’s a Message of Love MP3/organ/EOG301.mp3 #EXTINF:26, - The Bible Tells Us Jesus Came MP3/organ/EOG302.mp3 #EXTINF:27,J. Denham Smith - Jesus Christ Is Passing By MP3/organ/EOG303.mp3 #EXTINF:46,Randall H. Ballantyne - How Loving Is Jesus MP3/organ/EOG304.mp3 #EXTINF:46, - The Saviour Is Loving MP3/organ/EOG305.mp3 #EXTINF:21,Gerhard Tersteegen, tr. by Frances Bevan - Like a Little Wandering Lamb MP3/organ/EOG306.mp3 #EXTINF:42, - How Many Children Say MP3/organ/EOG307.mp3 #EXTINF:35,Emily H. Miller - I Love to Hear the Story MP3/organ/EOG308.mp3 #EXTINF:27,Jemima Thompson Luke - I Think When I Read That Sweet Story MP3/organ/EOG309.mp3 #EXTINF:21,Edward P. Hammond - Come to Jesus Just Now MP3/organ/EOG310.mp3 #EXTINF:30, - Children, Can You Tell Me Why? MP3/organ/EOG311.mp3 #EXTINF:36,Anna B. Warner - Jesus Loves Me! MP3/organ/EOG312.mp3 #EXTINF:27,Ann Taylor Gilbert - “God Is in Heaven: Can He Hear?” MP3/organ/EOG313.mp3 #EXTINF:34, - Dear Children, Have You Ever Heard? MP3/organ/EOG314.mp3 #EXTINF:33, - Jesus Loves the Little Ones MP3/organ/EOG315.mp3 #EXTINF:33, - Children Once to Israel’s King MP3/organ/EOG316.mp3 #EXTINF:27,John Burton - The Lord Attends When Children Pray MP3/organ/EOG317.mp3 #EXTINF:41,John - Jesus Will Bless the Little Ones MP3/organ/EOG318.mp3 #EXTINF:51, - Little Child, Do You Love Jesus? MP3/organ/EOG319.mp3 #EXTINF:57,Mrs. C. Kingsbury - Only an Act of Kindness MP3/organ/EOG320.mp3 #EXTINF:39,Amelia M. Hull - And Is It True, as I Am Told? MP3/organ/EOG321.mp3 #EXTINF:46, - Oh! Come to Jesus, Children, Come MP3/organ/EOG322.mp3 #EXTINF:46,Albert Midlane - There’s a Friend for Little Children MP3/organ/EOG323.mp3 #EXTINF:41,Mary B. C. Slade - Tell It Again! MP3/organ/EOG324.mp3 #EXTINF:33, - Suffer Little Children MP3/organ/EOG325.mp3 #EXTINF:39, - To Israel’s Land, When Israel Sinned MP3/organ/EOG326.mp3 #EXTINF:33,William M. Hutchings - When Mothers of Salem MP3/organ/EOG327.mp3 #EXTINF:45, - A Little Child of Seven MP3/organ/EOG328.mp3 #EXTINF:46,Albert Midlane - A Little Lamb Went Straying MP3/organ/EOG329.mp3 #EXTINF:52, - A Message Came from Heaven MP3/organ/EOG330.mp3 #EXTINF:40,Frances Townsend - For God So Loved the World MP3/organ/EOG331.mp3 #EXTINF:48,Inglis Fleming - Christ the Saviour of Sinners Came MP3/organ/EOG332.mp3 #EXTINF:50,George F. Root - Come to the Saviour, Make No Delay MP3/organ/EOG333.mp3 #EXTINF:45, - Glad T-I-D-I-N-G-S MP3/organ/EOG334.mp3 #EXTINF:39,Philip P. Bliss - I Am So Glad That Our Father in Heaven MP3/organ/EOG335.mp3 #EXTINF:21, - I Am the Door MP3/organ/EOG336.mp3 #EXTINF:27,Fanny J. Crosby - If I Come to Jesus MP3/organ/EOG337.mp3 #EXTINF:29,Hubert Sweetman & F. W. Schwartz - I Love My Saviour MP3/organ/EOG338.mp3 #EXTINF:5,R. D. Edwards - I Love to Sing of Jesus MP3/organ/EOG339.mp3 #EXTINF:29, - Happy Is the Boy MP3/organ/EOG340.mp3 #EXTINF:31,Susan Warner - Jesus Bids Us Shine MP3/organ/EOG341.mp3 #EXTINF:39, - Jesus Came from Heaven MP3/organ/EOG342.mp3 #EXTINF:39,Hugh Stowell - Jesus Is Our Shepherd MP3/organ/EOG343.mp3 #EXTINF:39,A. N. - Jesus, My Saviour, to Bethlehem Came MP3/organ/EOG344.mp3 #EXTINF:26,Clarence H. Woolston - Jesus Loves the Little Children MP3/organ/EOG345.mp3 #EXTINF:25,Ann Taylor Gilbert - Jesus Who Lives Above the Sky MP3/organ/EOG346.mp3 #EXTINF:27, - Jesus, When He Left the Sky MP3/organ/EOG347.mp3 #EXTINF:27, - Little Children, Heavy-Laden MP3/organ/EOG348.mp3 #EXTINF:1,Albert Midlane - News for Little Children MP3/organ/EOG349.mp3 #EXTINF:45,Harry D. Clarke - Hear Christ Calling, “Come Unto Me” MP3/organ/EOG350.mp3 #EXTINF:27, - One Door and Only One MP3/organ/EOG351.mp3 #EXTINF:27, - Oh, Won’t You Come to Jesus While You’re Young MP3/organ/EOG352.mp3 #EXTINF:27,H. A. Davis - Come to Jesus, Come Today MP3/organ/EOG353.mp3 #EXTINF:47,Charlotte Gipps - Oh! Would You Know My Saviour? MP3/organ/EOG354.mp3 #EXTINF:47,H. D’Arcy Champney - Safe in Christ MP3/organ/EOG355.mp3 #EXTINF:54, - Sing the Saviour’s Praises MP3/organ/EOG356.mp3 #EXTINF:33,T. P. Hamilton - Something More than Gold MP3/organ/EOG357.mp3 #EXTINF:14,Fanny J. Crosby - Tell Me the Story of Jesus MP3/organ/EOG358.mp3 #EXTINF:46,Albert Midlane - Those Who Are Young, O God MP3/organ/EOG359.mp3 #EXTINF:27,Mary Anne S. Gibson Deck - There Is a City Bright MP3/organ/EOG360.mp3 #EXTINF:31,Andrew Young - There Is a Happy Land MP3/organ/EOG361.mp3 #EXTINF:24,C. C. Kerr - Two Little Eyes MP3/organ/EOG362.mp3 #EXTINF:44,Gordon Hayhoe - The Flood MP3/organ/EOG363.mp3 #EXTINF:42, - Little Children, Praise the Saviour MP3/organ/EOG364.mp3 #EXTINF:7, - We Are Glad We Ever Heard the Blessed News MP3/organ/EOG365.mp3 #EXTINF:31,Fanny J. Crosby - We Are Little Children, Very Young Indeed MP3/organ/EOG366.mp3 #EXTINF:35,William O. Cushing - When He Cometh MP3/organ/EOG367.mp3 #EXTINF:42,El Nathan - Who Came Down from Heaven to Earth? MP3/organ/EOG368.mp3 #EXTINF:57,C. Austin Miles - Wide as the Ocean MP3/organ/EOG369.mp3 #EXTINF:57,Horatio R. Palmer - Yield Not to Temptation MP3/organ/EOG370.mp3 #EXTINF:45,William R. Newell - At Calvary MP3/organ/EOG371.mp3 #EXTINF:44,L. H. Farrell - How Wondrous a Saviour MP3/organ/EOG372.mp3 #EXTINF:57,W. E. Cullum - The Master Is Come MP3/organ/EOG373.mp3 #EXTINF:52,J. T. Armet (arr.) - Oh Come to Jesus, Sinner, Come MP3/organ/EOG374.mp3 #EXTINF:55,Helen Howarth Lemmel - O Soul, Are You Weary MP3/organ/EOG375.mp3 #EXTINF:49,Heinrich Suso, tr. by Frances Bevan - Now Have I Seen Thee and Found Thee MP3/organ/EOG376.mp3 #EXTINF:27,Albert Midlane - “Revive Thy Work, O Lord!” MP3/organ/EOG377.mp3 #EXTINF:13, - The Father from Eternity MP3/organ/EOG378.mp3 #EXTINF:35,Robert C. Chapman - O My Saviour Crucified MP3/organ/EOG379.mp3 #EXTINF:27,Arr. by Thomas Ravenscroft (Scottish Psalter, 1615) - MP3/organ/EOGa01.mp3 #EXTINF:32,Alberto Randegger - MP3/organ/EOGa02.mp3 #EXTINF:33,Lowell Mason - MP3/organ/EOGa03.mp3 #EXTINF:44,George C. Stebbins - MP3/organ/EOGa04.mp3 #EXTINF:33,William B. Bradbury - MP3/organ/EOGa05.mp3 #EXTINF:54,Martin Luther (Geistliche Lieder, 1535) - MP3/organ/EOGa06.mp3 #EXTINF:35,Simeon B. Marsh - MP3/organ/EOGa07.mp3 #EXTINF:34,J. Revell, 1885 - MP3/organ/EOGa08.mp3