Jesus is our Shepherd, Wiping every tear; Folded in His bosom, What have we to fear? Only let us follow Whither He doth lead, To the thirsty desert, Or the dewy mead. Jesus is our Shepherd, Well we know His voice! How its gentle whisper Makes our heart rejoice! Even when He chideth, Tender is His tone; None but He shall guide us, We are His alone. Jesus is our Shepherd, For the sheep He bled; Every lamb is sprinkled With the blood He shed. Then on each He setteth His own secret sign, “They that have My Spirit, These,” saith He, “are Mine.” Jesus is our Shepherd, With His goodness now, And His tender mercy, He doth us endow. Let us sing His praises With a gladsome heart, Till in heaven we meet Him, Nevermore to part.